Tetlow King Planning Briefing Note on the Revised National Planning Policy Framework

July 24, 2018 3:47 pm Published by

On 24 July 2018 the Government published a suite of new documents to reform the planning system and significantly boost the supply of housing. New documents published include the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and a number of revisions to the Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) including sections on, the Housing Delivery Test, Viability and the Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessments. Tetlow King Planning (TKP) have set out the key revisions and initial reactions in a short briefing note which is available here.

There is much to consider and many aspects of the revised NPPF and associated documents will affect the wider development industry moving forward.

If you would like any further information or if you would like to discuss how the revised NPPF may impact upon your development proposals then please contact TKP on 0117 9561916 or all@tetlow-king.co.uk.