Tetlow King help secure appeal success in North East Derbyshire for Rippon Homes

November 29, 2018 2:16 pm Published by

Tetlow King Planning (TKP) is delighted to have helped Rippon Homes secure consent at appeal for 180 dwellings in the settlement of Wingerworth in North East Derbyshire.

Associate Director, Andy Moger, provided expert affordable housing evidence to the inquiry to support the appeal proposals which sought to provide 40% affordable housing, alongside Planning, OAN and Housing Land Supply evidence from RPS. He was able to articulate the importance of delivering affordable housing in both a national and local policy context, as well as highlight the shortfall in delivery across the district and demonstrate the social benefits that would arise from the affordable housing provision through the appeal scheme.

In assessing the housing land supply, the Inspector found that:

“The Council criticised some of the details of the appellant’s approach towards consideration of affordable housing at the Inquiry, but it is clear that there is a very significant need for affordable housing in the District, and that there is very considerable doubt as to delivery. Even if one accepts the Council’s position that there is a pipeline of affordable housing coming forward in Wingerworth – which is far from clear – the provision of 40% affordable housing in the appeal scheme is a benefit. This is a very significant material consideration weighing in favour of the appeal scheme.”

Critically, despite finding that there was a five year housing land supply within the district, the Inspector made clear that:

“This is not a ceiling and the provision of general needs housing is a significant material consideration in the light of national policy. In addition the provision of 40% affordable housing is a very significant material consideration weighing in favour of the appeal scheme.”

The appeal decision can be viewed here.

An application for a full award of costs was also successful, with the Inspector noting at paragraph 7 that “the provision of 40% affordable housing – weighs heavily in favour of the proposal” and at paragraph 28 that “the main benefit of the current scheme (is) the provision of 40% affordable housing”.